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Recording, SOAM, and more!

A quick update on our fundraising progress:

Thank you all for your support - we have reached 34% of our savings goal for our upcoming recording project, thanks to the support of live music at our local venues, our friends & fans who have left tips, and the ongoing ingenuity and hard work of a gear-flipping Drummer Guy! We are so grateful and look forward to reaching our goal soon!

The Southcoast Open Air Market is every Saturday 10am-2pm until the end of October, Somerset, MA!

What a fantastic Saturday at SOAM! It was Doggie Day - there were pups everywhere, portraits and treats galore, and as always, awesome live music - this week from The Ocean State Ramblers and RRW!

The Ocean State Ramblers! These guys were very good! They played a lot of interesting traditional tunes and classic bluegrass.

Kudos to Kelly for designing our new banner! The background photo is by friend of the band, Pete Tatarian.

We've added a Hydration Station to our setup for this summer - come by and grab an ice cold water at any of our upcoming outdoor gigs!

We'll be back at SOAM in October to end the season - in the meantime, you can find us at Fall River FAM every month (starting this weekend Sunday, June 12th) and all around the Southcoast and Rhode Island - schedule below!

Thank you all, and we'll see you soon

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